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Schizotypal personality disorder is not only one of the important personality disorders but also closely related to chronic schizophrenia. Further, its role has been extended to psychosis proneness in normal people. Raine (1991) previously developed the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) which includes 9 sub-criteria of SPD. Subsequently, Raine and Benishay (1995) developed the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B) for the purpose of rapidly detecting psychosis proneness. The items on the SPQ-B were selected from the original SPQ. The purpose of this study was to standardize the SPQ-B, Korean version. Two sample groups participated in this study. The First included 499 college students who had completed the original SPQ. The second included 170 college students who completed, the SPQ-B, Personality Disorder Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ-4+), and Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (SASS). Following this, a correlation between the SPQ-B and other scales was calculated. Among the second sample, 51 college students completed the SPQ-B twice to examine test-retest reliability. As a result, the reliability of the SPQ-B was 0.76, test-retest reliability was 0.75, and the mean of the item-total correlation was 0.31. Further, results of a factor analysis demonstrated the three factors which the original authors insisted had been properly discriminated. The correlation between the SPQ-B and other scales also showed results consistent with previous studies. Based on these results, we can conclude that the reliability and validity of the Korean version of SPQ-B are appropriate.
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