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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
A major use of neuropsychological evaluations is to measure changes in cognitive functioning over time. However, it is difficult to determine whether a difference in test performance indicates a real change in the individual or simply a product of normal variation. The current study established normative rates of change in the Korean Dementia Rating Scale (K-DRS) from baseline to follow-up testing among 247 neurologically normal adults aged 50 years and older. Normative retest data were presented for two analytic techniques: the Reliable Change Index adjusted for practice (RCIp) and the Standardized Regression-Based Technique (SRB). With respect to K-DRS total scores and all subtest scores, the most powerful predictor of changes in performance was initial performance. This results suggested strong regression to the mean. Education and age were also significant predictors for some subtests. Further, participants who were more highly educated as well as younger participants demonstrated more improvement with regard to test performance. Considering the prediction intervals and the base rates of decliner and improver, the SRB seemed to provide more unbiased, reasonable prediction intervals than the RCIp.
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