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The Korean-Dementia Rating Scale (K-DRS), the Korean version of the Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), which is one of the mostly used dementia evaluation tools in North America, has been used to diagnose and identify pathological processes since its development in the late 1990s. Previous studies have proven the reliability and validity of the K-DRS, and provided normative data for two age levels and two educational levels. To interpret the test accurately and apply the test to Korean elderly population, however, researchers need to develop a second version of the normative data, because it has been 10 years since the previous norms were created. This study aimed to establish a new version of the K-DRS norms, based on the newly-collected data, to complement previous norms and to contribute to exact diagnoses. Participants were normal elderly people (N = 785), with the age range 50-89 years. Our results confirmed age and education as the major significant factors for test performance scores, which was consistent with previous studies. The new norms become more specific as we divided the normative data into four age levels and four educational levels.
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