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Decentering is defined as the ability to observe one's thoughts and feelings as temporary, objective events in the mind. The ability to adopt a decentered view is a concept that has held some importance early within the cognitive-behavioral tradition. Recently, Segal, Williams and Teasdale(2002) propose/d that decentering would play a crucial role in preventing depression by blocking reactivation of the ruminative cognitive-affective processing. The current study sought to explore how decentering influences the relationship between rumination and depression. Specifically, the prediction that decentering would decrease brooding thereby reducing depressive symptoms was tested. In Study 1, the Experiences Questionnaire(EQ) was translated and validated as a self-report measure of decentering. Study 2 attempted to test the prediction that decentering would function as a protective factor in depression by reducing the levels of ruminative processing. The result of structural equation modeling suggested that high reflection and low decentering increase the level of brooding and consequently contribute to more depressive symptoms. The results of this study indicate that decentering is a concept of importance in maintaining mental health and can discriminate functionally different components of self-focused response. More importantly, the present study provides the initial empirical support for the prediction that decentering would prevent depression by reducing maladaptive form of rumination, brooding. This finding suggests that engaging in self-focused response to depressed mood in the absence of decentering is likely to progress to more depression. Lastly, some implications and limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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