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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated whether MMPI-2 clinical scales and restructured clinical scales were effective at explaining PTSD symptoms in firefighters. Data from 997 firefighters were analyzed. With respect to clinical scales, all scales were significantly correlated with PTSD symptoms. In particular, 7(Pt), 8(Sc), and 1(Hs) were strongly correlated with PTSD symptoms. Similarly, with regard to restructured clinical scales, all were significantly correlated with PTSD symptoms. In particular, RCd, RC7, and RC8 showed relatively high correlations. In a hierachical regression analysis, 7(Pt), 9(Ma), 2(D), and 1(Hs) from clinical scales and RCd, RC1, RC3, and RC9 from restructured clinical scales significantly predicted PTSD symptoms. The implications and limitations of this study were also discussed.
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