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The present studies aimed to investigate the effects of the BAS (Behavioral Approach System or Behavioral Activation System), BIS (Behavioral Inhibition System), and FFFS (Fight-Flight-Freeze System), in the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (rRST), on the development and maintenance of gambling behaviors. Study 1 identified two rRST factors in the SP (Sensitivity to Punishment) scale of the SPSRQ (Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire), which measures original BIS, and examined the relationship between BAS and the beginning of gambling among 764 undergraduates. We used exploratory factor analysis to show the presence of FFFS and BIS in SP. We found BAS, as measured by SR, correlated positively with the K-GABS (Korean Gambling Attitudes and Beliefs Scale), which reflects the individual's affinity for gambling, and also found a significant difference in BAS between students who gambled more than once a month and students who did not gamble. Study 2 examined the relationship between both FFFS and BIS and performance on the modified Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) in a sample of 57 participants with high BAS scores from study 1. We calculated 4 separate multiple regression analyses using FFFS and BIS as predictors and 4 measures on the modified IGT as dependent variables. FFFS and BIS explained a significant amount of variance regarding the gaining of money; however, they failed to reach significance as predictors of total count, reaction time, and net gain-ratio (good deck-bad deck). From these results, we suggest that high BAS can influence the start of gambling, and low FFFS and high BIS can influence an individual to lose more money while gambling. We discuss the limitations of these studies and implications for future research.
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