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Effects of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Psychopathology


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and psychopathologies and the effects of emotion regulation strategies on psychopathologies. For this purpose, I measured undergraduate students’ emotion regulation strategies and psychopathologies, using the Emotion Regulation Strategy Questionnaire (ERSQ) and the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R) respectively. Correlation analysis revealed that maladaptive strategies correlated positively with psychopathology and that adaptive strategies such as support-seeking strategies, distractive strategies, and approaching strategies, correlated negatively with it. Multiple regression analysis showed that emotion regulation strategies accounted for 29% of the variance in the psychopathologies. Among the emotion regulation strategies, maladaptive strategies had the highest predictive power for psychopathology. In addtion, among adaptive strategies only support-seeking strategies were significant predictors of psychopathology. I discuss limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

정서조절방략, 정신병리, 부적응적 방략, ERSQ, SCL-90-R, emotion regulation strategy, psychopathology, maladaptive strategy, ERSQ, SCL-90-R



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