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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and psychopathologies and the effects of emotion regulation strategies on psychopathologies. For this purpose, I measured undergraduate students’ emotion regulation strategies and psychopathologies, using the Emotion Regulation Strategy Questionnaire (ERSQ) and the Symptom Checklist-Revised (SCL-90-R) respectively. Correlation analysis revealed that maladaptive strategies correlated positively with psychopathology and that adaptive strategies such as support-seeking strategies, distractive strategies, and approaching strategies, correlated negatively with it. Multiple regression analysis showed that emotion regulation strategies accounted for 29% of the variance in the psychopathologies. Among the emotion regulation strategies, maladaptive strategies had the highest predictive power for psychopathology. In addtion, among adaptive strategies only support-seeking strategies were significant predictors of psychopathology. I discuss limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.
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