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The Effects of Hope on Life Stress, Psychopathology and Life Satisfaction


This study aimed to investigate whether trait and state hope could moderate in the relationships among life stress, psychopathology, and life satisfaction. I examining whether hope could stably serve as a buffer 3 months after a stressor by using a short-term, longitudinal design. Furthermore, it examined the relationship between the hope and problem-solving styles to understand how hope effects stress. Participants were 247 college students who completed a questionnaire at the first time but 155 college students completed it at the second time. I analyzed the questionnaire via a correlation analysis and hierarchical regression. The results revealed that state hope predicted psychopathology and life satisfaction after controlling for stress at 1 time. Specifically, state hope moderated the relationship between stress and psychopathology, and between stress and life satisfaction. Furthermore, hope correlated positively with positive and rational problem-solving styles and correlated negatively to negative, impulsive and avoidance problem-solving styles. These findings suggest that hope influences mental health and quality of life as a stress moderator through positive problem-solving. Finally, I discuss limitations of this study and the fact that hope can work within psychotherapy as a psychological strength, and suggest future directions for this research.

특질 희망, 상태 희망, 생활 스트레스, 정신병리, 삶의 만족도, 문제해결, trait hope, state hope, life stress, psychopathology, life satisfaction, problem solving



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