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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the effects of a social skills group-training program, based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, on the social skills, negative automatic thoughts, and stress levels of international couples' children. The participants were 17 3rd to 6th-grade elementary-school students whose mothers were international marriage immigrants. Nine children participated in an experimental social skills training program, and 8 children participated in a learning skills training program, as the control group. Each program comprised 10 sessions. We used a social skills rating system, the Korean-children's Automatic Thought Scale, and a stress scale for the participants' pre-and post-tests. The results showed a statistically significant reduction solely in the experimental group's general stress and negative automatic thoughts, and a marginally significant improvement in only that group's social skills after the program. We had a limited ability to rigorously test the program's effects because of small sample size and problems with the representativeness of the sample and random assignment of the groups. In spite of these limitations, our results suggest that this social skill training for international couples' children, who are a high-risk group in our society, may have a preventive effect through positive change related to psychosocial adjustment.
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