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The purpose of this study was to examine patterns related to parent and adolescent reports of problem behaviors in adolescents with internalization and externalization disorders. The Korean Youth Self-Report (K-YSR) was administered to 29 adolescents with internalization disorders (i.e., the internalization disorder group) and 37 adolescents with externalization disorders (i.e., the externalization disorder group). The Korean Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL) was administered to 66 parents. A t-test was used on 11 symptom scales of the K-CBCL and K-YSR to identify differences between the two groups. In addition, a discriminant function analysis was conducted to identify symptom scales which affected the diagnostic classification decisions. Additionally, agreement between parent and adolescent reports in the two groups was analyzed using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. Further, a Chi-test was used to identify contingencies in the relative severity of parent and adolescent reports of problem behaviors depending on the type of adolescent's disorder (i.e., internalization or externalization disorder). Delinquent behavior, internalization and externalization symptom scales well reflected the problem behaviors both of the internalization and externalization disorder groups with respect to the parent and adolescent reports. Agreement between parent and adolescent reports of problem behaviors in adolescents were low. Further, the type of adolescent disorder and the relative severity of the problem behaviors as indicated by the parent and adolescent reports were not significantly related. These results may have been influenced by the demographic and/or clinical characteristics of the subjects. However, beyond assessing the agreement between informants or severity on behavior problems, these results suggest the need to consider the parent-adolescent interaction or the informant's perception regarding the severity of behavior problems. Finally, the limitations of this study as well as suggestions for future research have been discussed.
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