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A Study on Boundary score in Rorschach Test


Study on Boundary score in Rorschach Test. The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of boundary score in Rorschach test. Specifically, this study is designed to examine the usefulness of ego boundary by dividing it into Barrier score and Penetration score. The study sample is consisted of 39 persons drawn from three different groups, i. e, normal, neurotic and psychotic groups. The Rorsehach test was administered to sample, and subsequently, boundary score was obtained from the test results. The research findings are the following: 1) Among the psychotic group, when compared with normal and neurosis groups, B score was relatively low, while P score was high. This indicates the disintegration cf ego-boundary among the psychotic groups 2) When the content analysis was applied to the Boundary score, the result revealed that the each group seemed to have their own clinical ego boundary. In cum, Boundary score can be regarded as a more dynamic index for ego boundary within the context, a new potential of Boundary score is realized.

