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Anxiety sensitivity is the fear of anxiety-related symptoms, arising from beliefs that the sensation has harmful physical, social, or psychological consequences. To measure anxiety sensitivity, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index(ASI) is commonly used. Several studies have show the relationship between depression and anxiety disorder assuming multidimensional structure. In this study, ASI, BDI, and BAI were administered to 611 adult males and females, who had been -diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder, upon visiting the psychiatric clinic. Exploratory factor and Confirmatory factor analyses were employed to test competing models, and the results suggested that the hierarchical model(comprising three first-order factors corresponding to physical concern, social concern and cognition concern) provided the best fit to the data. This finding was consistent with the results of previous studies. The current study also investigated(using an ANCOVA) differences with respect to the three factors of anxiety sensitivity in four clinical groups of patients who had been diagnosed either with social anxiety disorder(n=101), panic disorder(n=145), generalized anxiety disorder(n=33) or depressive disorder(n=135) and had been free of comorbidity. Results indicated that physical concern was significantly higher in panic disorder patients compared with the other three groups, and that social concern was significantly higher in social anxiety disorder patients. Further, generalized anxiety disorder patients and depressive disorder patients had more cognitive concern than social anxiety disorder patients. The implications and limitations of this study were also discussed.
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