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This study investigated the relationships between autonomous and conscious facial emotional processes and neuropsychological functions in nonclinical college students with psychometrically-defined schizotypal traits. Based on scores from the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire(SPQ), schizotypal trait(n=15) and normal control(n=15) groups were selected. For the measurement of autonomous and conscious facial emotional processes, gender judgment and emotional discrimination tasks were administered, respectively. Neuropsychological functions such as verbal/nonverbal memory, executive function and attention were measured. Results indicated that the schizotypal trait and control groups did not differ on the gender discrimination task both in terms of response time(RT) and error rate. However, the schizotypal trait group showed significantly higher error rates than did the control group on the emotional discrimination task. Further, RTs on the emotional discrimination task was significantly correlated with RTs on the Trail Making Test, part B and the Copy condition of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, while the error rate on the emotional discrimination task was associated with total number of errors on the d2 test. These results indicate that autonomous emotional processing is maintained but that conscious emotional processing is impaired in nonclinical individuals with schizotypal traits, and that impaired conscious emotional processing seems to be related to attention, visuospatial perception and mental flexibility.
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