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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aims of this study were to explore the relationship between Cloninger(1987, 2004)'s temperament dimensions and the character strengths of the VIA(Values In Action) classification, and to investigate the mediating effect of perceived parenting styles on the above relationship. In order to explore the relationships among the four temperament dimensions, three parenting styles, and 24 character strengths, correlation and regression analyses were carried out. The results showed that the temperament dimensions were separately related to specific character strengths, especially reward dependence to humanity-related strengths, and persistence to courage-related strengths. Furthermore, it was found that a warm-hearted parenting style partially mediated the relationship between reward dependence and humanity-related strengths. Based on these results, the influence of temperaments and perceived parenting styles on character strengths was discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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