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The purpose of this study was to examine the congruency hypothesis in sociotropy and autonomy with respect to personality-relevant information processing. A sample of 34 undergraduate students(sociotropy, 17, autonomy, 17) wrote about stressful past experience. A dot probe task was used to investigate attentional bias regarding interpersonal- and achievement-relevant word stimuli. Both sociotropy and autonomy groups showed attentional bias within 1000ms. Further, the sociotropy group exhibited positive attentional bias toward both achievement-relevant words stimuli and positive interpersonal words. The autonomy group showed positive attentional bias toward achievement-relevant stimuli and negative attentional bias toward positive interpersonal words. These findings indicated that individuals who have a vulnerability to depression showed different patterns of attentional bias depending on the kinds of word stimuli. Limitations of current study and suggestions for further research were also discussed.
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