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The present study investigated the relationships between dream intensity, typical dream themes, attitude towards dreams, and psychopathology. The Dream Intensity Inventory (DII), the Typical Dream Questionnaire (TDQ), the Inventory of Dream Experiences & Attitudes (IDEA), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were administered to 500 adults. As a result, dream intensity, typical dream themes, and attitude towards dreams exhibited associations with psychopathology. Results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis demonstrated that vividness, altered dream episodes, and dream quantity factors on the DII predicted 9.6% of General Severity Index (GSI) variances from the BSI; persecutory ideas, grandiose self, death, positive themes, and beast categories from the TDQ predicted an additional 14% of the GSI variances; and dream apprehension and dream positivity factors from the IDEA predicted 7.8% of GSI variances. Persecutory ideas categories from the TDQ and dream apprehension factors from the IDEA predicted all symptoms on the BSI, and the other variables differentially predicted BSI symptoms.
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