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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study investigated the relationships between psychological variables and the subtypes(i.e., reactive, proactive) of relational aggression in early adolescence. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses among 410 middle school students were performed to examine the unique contributions of social evaluative anxiety and excessive demand for others' approval to the subtypes of relational aggression. The results showed that, among girls, social evaluative anxiety was uniquely positively associated with reactive relational aggression and excessive demand for others' approval with proactive relational aggression. Among boys, social evaluative anxiety was marginally associated with reactive relational aggression, and excessive demand for others' approval showed no significant association. The overall results suggest that each subtype of relational aggression has differential specific features and the mechanism for relational aggression exhibits gender difference. The implications of this study are discussed, and the directions of future intervention programs for aggressive youths are suggested.
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