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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
his study focuses on the influence of psychological acceptance on fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating, all physical symptoms of social anxiety. Study 1 was performed to examine the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Blushing, Trembling, and Sweating-Physical Symptoms (BTS-PS) and Fear of Blushing, Trembling, and Sweating (BTS-F) and to explore its psychological characteristics. Data were collected from 477 college students. BTS-F significantly explains anxiety about social performance and interaction when BTS-PS is controlled. This result reveals the necessity of therapeutic intervention in the fear of physical anxiety symptoms. The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ) related negatively to all these anxiety scales. Study 2 was designed to determine the influence of psychological acceptance on fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating during a speech. For this purpose, both ‘high social anxiety’ (n=42) and ‘low social anxiety’ (n=42) groups were selected based on the scores of BTS-F and Social Phobia Scale. They were randomly allocated into two different experimental conditions, i.e., acceptance condition and inhibition condition. The speech was video recorded and two observers evaluated the anxiety symptoms shown on the video. After the speech, participants evaluated the degree of social phobia responses and psychological acceptance. The result of this experiment showed that psychological acceptance reduced the fear of BTS and behavioral anxiety responses in the high social anxiety group. However, BTS-physical responses and overall anxious feeling were not affected by the 10-minute education. In observer evaluations, behavioral anxiety response and overall anxious feeling in acceptance condition were significantly less than in inhibition condition, and there was no difference between high social anxiety group and low social anxiety group. The findings of this study suggest that psychological acceptance has a therapeutic effect on the reduction of fear of physical anxiety responses, and behavioral responses.
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