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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study evaluated the efficacy of the Children of Divorce Intervention Program (CODIP) for Korean children. The CODIP was a 12-week preventive intervention program designed to mitigate behavioral and emotional problems. The structure and content of the original program was tailored to fit the needs of Korean families. The program was shortened to 10 sessions. In this study, the children in the control group also received a 10-week program. Subjects were 4th-6thgradechildren(N=70)from child welfare institutions: 26 CODIP participants, 32 divorce controls, and 12 non-divorced controls. The children’s problem behaviors were rated by their parents and teachers using the Child Behavior Check List. Children were asked to fill out the Children’s Attitudes and Self-Perception Scale, the State Anxiety Inventory for Children, the Kovac’s Children’s Depression Inventory, and the Aggression Scale. Pre- and post-assessments were administered to the children, their parents, and teachers, and analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Results showed that children in the CODIP groups improved significantly on the CBCL rated by teachers and on the Children's Attitudes and Self-Perception Scale. This finding implies that children of divorced families could benefit from CODIP.
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