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The purpose of this study was to explore the prognostic value of injury severity and lateralization of lesion for cognitive deficits following severe traumatic brain injury(TBI) while controlling for the effects of time postinjury and demographic variables. Patient demographics, injury severity, lateralization of lesion, time postinjury and neuropsychological test results were collected prospectively from 92 patients aged 16-60 years diagnosed with severe closed head injury. Nine cognitive functions(Verbal IQ(VIQ), Performance IQ(PIQ), Full Scale IQ(FSIQ), Memory Quotient(MQ), confrontational naming, complex construction, nonverbal eductive ability, freedom from distractibility and psychomotor speed) were analyzed. Injury severity had strong prognostic value for PIQ, MQ and complex construction but was not significantly related to VIQ, confrontational naming and freedom from distractibility. Lateralization of lesion had a significant impact on PIQ, MQ, nonverbal eductive ability and complex construction. There were implications of cognitive profiles specific to lateralization of lesion. The results suggest that especially memory and construction ability related to frontal lobe may be good indices of injury severity and lateralization of lesion. The findings of this study supply information about the important risk factors and dominant cognitive deficits of severe TBI that warrant attention from clinicians.
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