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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
There has been a need for development of a preventive intervention for borderline personality disorder (BPD). In the current study, we developed a self-compassion cultivation program (SCCP) for young adults with the features of BPD, focusing on trauma and self-compassion, and then examined its effects. This six-session group intervention consists of methods for cultivating participants' self-compassion, integrating their traumatic memories into their life stories and shifting the direction of their lives from protecting their safety to realizing their full potential. Undergraduate students with the features of BPD were assigned to three conditions: self-compassion, distraction, and waiting-list conditions. Participants in the self-compassion treatment condition showed significant increases in the levels of self-compassion and psychological well-being. In this condition, participants showed improvements with regard to difficulties in emotional regulation, negative affect, depression, anxiety, and stress responses. The self-compassion treatment condition resulted in significantly larger improvements on most of dependent measures (except for positive affect), compared to the two control conditions. Overall, the results indicate that the SCCP may be a useful intervention for preventing development of BPD as well as for cultivating self-compassion. Finally, implications and limitations of the current study were discussed along with suggestions for future research.
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