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This study examined the effect of self-compassion on psychological maladjustment (depression, NPD, and BPD) and well-being (satisfaction with life and psychological well-being), and the moderating effect of self-compassion in the relationships between self-esteem and psychological health. The Self Compassion Scale(SCS), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(RSES), the Beck Depression Scale(BDI), the Borderline Personality Disorder Scale(BPDS), the Narcissitic Personality Disorder Scale (NPDS), the Satisfaction with life scale(SWLS) and the Psychological Well-being Scale(PWBS) were administered to 269 college students. According to the results, self-compassion plays a differential role in the hierarchical effects of self-esteem and self-compassion on psychological maladjustment and well-being. In addition, in the relationship between self-esteem and psychological maladjustment(depression and BPD), the moderating effect of self-compassion was significant. The conceptual implications of self-compassion and the usefulness of self-compassion in clinical intervention were discussed.
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