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This study investigated deficits in spatial working memory in female college students with schizotypal traits using a delayed-response task and event-related potentials (ERPs). The schizotypal trait (n=15) and normal control (n=16) groups were determined based on scores on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire. The delayed-response task consisted of two conditions, i.e., maintenance (to judge whether the locations between the present and previously presented stimuli were the same or not) and manipulation (to manipulate the location of the presented stimulus based on the instructions, and to judge whether the location of the present stimulus was consistent with that of manipulated) conditions. In terms of response times (RTs), both groups showed significantly faster RTs in maintenance than in manipulation conditions. The schizotypal trait group showed significantly longer RTs in both conditions than the control group. In terms of accuracy rate, the two groups did not differ significantly in the maintenance condition, whereas in the manipulation condition, the schizotypal trait group showed a significantly lower accuracy rate than the control group. In terms of ERP results, P200 amplitude was greater in the manipulation condition than in the maintenance condition. The two groups did not differ significantly in P200 amplitudes in the maintenance condition, whereas the schizotypal trait group showed significantly greater P200 amplitude than the control group in the manipulation condition. The two groups did not differ significantly in P400 amplitudes. Since the P200 is considered to reflect the executive aspects of spatial working memory, including allocation of attention and resources, the present results indicate that individuals with schizotypal trait have impaired spatial working memory, which could serve as a trait-marker of schizosprectrum disorder.
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