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In previous studies, the relationship between psychological/behavioral problems and temperament/character in adolescents was examined according to diagnoses and psychological symptoms in clinical samples or in non-clinical samples. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of temperament/character for adaptive problems in psychiatric adolescents. They are a heterogeneous group with regard to complaints, diagnoses, progress, and prognoses etc. Correlation analysis and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were performed between MMPI-A content scales(A-aln, A-con, A-las, A-fam, A-sch) and the JTCI 12-18 sub-scales. Results showed a significant relation of achievement level, and school problems to Self- Directedness. However alienation, social relational problems such as conflict with parents, and school problems showed a significant relation to Harm-Avoidance. These results should be replicated with larger samples. However, this study was meaningful with regard to examination of the features of psychiatric adolescents' temperament/character focusing on adaption not only on psychopathology.
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