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Story recall resembles everyday memory and story recall tests assess language processing and executive function as well as memory. Although they are useful for evaluating verbal memory in older adults, the neurological validity of story recall tests have been scarcely studied. To elucidate the neurological validity of story recall, we investigated the brain metabolic correlates of the qualitative and quantitative measures in the Story Recall Test(SRT) in elderly female Koreans. Forty-five right-handed normal elderly female participants received the SRT testing and the [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose PET scanning during resting state. Correlations between the regional brain glucose metabolic rates and the SRT measures were tested using SPM2. Significant positive correlations between the SRT scores and the regional brain glucose metabolic rates were observed in several frontal regions such as the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex(BA 45) and the left/right precentral(BA 6) gyri(p < .001, uncorrected, k=50). The thematic unit scores, especially were significantly correlated with regional brain glucose metabolic rates in more frontal regions than the story unit scores were. These results suggest that the SRT performance represents basal neuronal functions in the regions related to higher language processing and executive control functions in normal elderly people. Further, this study demonstrated that qualitative scoring of the story recall test might be a useful measure for assessing cognitive aging.
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