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The goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that pathological gamblers have executive function (EF) deficits. Participants included 32 pathological gamblers and 20 normal subjects. A common limitation in previous relevant studies was use of an experimental design that could not clearly distinguish EF deficits from other cognitive deficits. To overcome this limitation, the current study employed a paired-task method, in which one task strongly demanded executive function and the other task did not. Evidence from five out of six paired tasks indicated that the pathological gambling group had a greater deficit in the task that strongly demanded EF than the task that weakly demanded EF. For example, difference between the pathological gambling and control groups was significantly greater in Executive IQ compared to Wechsler IQ. This pattern of results, which are not easily attributable to deficits in cognitive functions other than EF, provides stronger evidence for the ‘executive dysfunction’ hypothesis for pathological gambling compared with that offered by previous related studies. EF deficits in pathological gamblers may exist even before they become involved in gambling and may likely be one of the cognitive factors that make them vulnerable to addiction to gambling.
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