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This study examined the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Social Skill Rating System -Parent Form(SSRS-P; Gresham & Elliot, 1990) for elementary school students. In study 1, 892 parents of elementary students were administered with K-SSRS-P for the exploratory factor analysis(EFA), and 307 of them were administered with K-SSRS-P and K-CBCL to test the instrument’s concurrent validity. EFA yielded four interrelated factors of assertion, cooperation, responsibility and self-control in the social skill domain and three interrelated factors of hyperactivity, internalizing and externalizing in the problem behavior domain in the K-SSRS-P. The K-SSRS showed adequate internal consistency. Girls showed higher social functioning than boys did. Problem behavior scale showed significant and positive associations with K-CBCL. In study 2, 2270 parents of elementary students were administered with K-SSRS-P for the confirmatory factor analysis(CFA). CFA confirmed four factors structure of 25 items on the social skill scale and 3 factor structure of 17 items on the problem behavior scale in the K-SSRS-P and the results showed that the K-SSRS-P scores explained more variance in the data than the SSRS-P scores did. In conclusion, the K-SSRS is useful for assessing social skills in Korean elementary school students and has good psychometric properties. The implications of the cultural differences in social skills and the differential relationships of social skills to problem behaviors were discussed.
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