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People with schizophrenia show major deficits in social cognition, especially theory of mind (ToM). Social cognitive deficits are promising treatment targets for new interventions to improve functional outcome in schizophrenia. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of a Social-Cognition Rehabilitation Program (SERP) focused on theory of mind. This program was modified from the original version, developed by Kwon (2003) and verified by Choi and Kwon (2006), especially for improvement of theory of mind. The SERP focused on theory of mind was composed of 16 sessions, including 14 sessions dealing with faux pas, hidden intentions and emotions and one session each for orientation and ending. The aim of the program was to help individuals with schizophrenia to enhance social cognition including theory of mind and ultimately to promote daily social skills and interpersonal ability. The SERP focused on theory of mind was compared with treatment as usual within a two group pre-post design in 52 people with schizophrenia in the community. Theory of mind, social cognition and functional outcome were assessed before and after the eight week training phase. Patients in the treatment group showed significant improvement theory of mind and social skill abilities after the program, but not in general social cognition and interpersonal abilities. Our findings suggested that theory of mind could be improved in people with schizophrenia by implementation of a social cognition enhancing rehabilitation program focused on theory of mind. Conduct of further study will be needed in order to determine whether enhanced theory of mind will have an effect on general social cognition.
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