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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study compared performance level, response bias and confidence of false memory on associative recognition tasks in schizophrenia patients currently experiencing delusions(EDs), patients not experiencing delusions(NDs) and healthy control participants(HCs). Utilizing a process dissociation procedure(PDP) suggested by Jacoby et al.(1993), the study investigated differences among EDs, NDs, and HCs of associative recognition, response bias, and memory confidence. The assessment consisted of an associative recognition task and an item recognition task, with 16 old items and 16 new items each. The number of correct and incorrect responses in each task from EDs, NDs, and HCs were compared. As a result, first, during the associative recognition process, recognition accuracy in HCs was significantly higher than EDs and NDs, whereas there was negligible difference between EDs and NDs. In the item recognition process, recognition accuracy in HCs and NDs was significantly higher than EDs, with no significant difference between HCs and NDs. Second, EDs demonstrated conservative bias during item recognition process and no response bias in associative recognition process. Finally, confidence level in false memory was significantly higher in EDs than NDs in the associative recognition process, but not in the item recognition process. The results suggest that the item recognition process deficit and false memory confidence can be closely related to the formation of delusion. The limitations of the present study and suggestions for further studies were discussed.
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