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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to identify neurocognitive characteristics of mild cognitive impairment with depressed mood(MCI-D), mild cognitive impairment without depressed mood(MCI-ND) and depression(DEP) in the elderly patients using neuropsychological assessment. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance(MANCOVA) revealed that the DEP group had significantly lower visual memory and executive function than the MCI-ND group. However, the MCI-D exhibited impaired naming ability and executive function relative to the MCI-ND. Conversely, the MCI-D and DEP groups did not differ in any cognitive measures. This study can be considered a meaningful attempt to compare mild cognitive impairment with depressed mood(MCI-D), mild cognitive impairment without depressed mood(MCI-ND) and depression(DEP) in elderly patients. There is a close correlation between depression in the elderly and cognitive dysfunction. Moreover, cognitive dysfunction in the elderly can be used to predict dementia. Thus, cognitive dysfunction needs to be treated independently, not as a secondary symptom of depression.
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