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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to develop and verify the validity of the executive function questionnaire as a screening tool. The 68 items by Song(2010) were used to develop the questionnaire. The subjects were 529 high school students(freshman, sophomores, juniors)(male 274, female 251), 216 elementary school students(fifth and sixth grade) (male 112, female 104) to extract the items and the structure. An additional 44 elementary school students(fifth grade) 44 people(male 24, female 20) and 46 high school freshman(male 27, female 19) were used to verify the validity. Principle axial factoring was conducted for exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Model was conducted. In the result, overall 40 questions were extracted and divided into four factors, planning-organizing difficulties, behavior control difficulty, emotional control difficulty, and attention-concentration difficulty. Each of the four factors and the total four-factor model fit indices were calculated. Using CFI, TLI and RMSEA which showed that some TLI were less than 0.9, but all models had acceptable fit. Every Cronbach a coefficient was over 0.8, confirming strong internal consistency. Moreover, the concurrent validity was confirmed by presence of a significant correlation between each factor and executive function neuro-psychological testing results. Among high school students, behavior control difficulty was correlated with full IQ(r = - .378, p <.05) and verbal comprehension factors(r = - .347, p <.05), while attention-concentration difficulty was correlated with perceptual reasoning factors(r = - .393, p <.01), and Stroop inference time(r = .360, p <.05). Elementary school students showed a significant correlation between behavior control difficulty and Stroop 45 seconds response time(r = .333, p <.05) and between attention-concentration difficulties and Stroop interference time(r = .370, p <.05). In conclusion, the 40 items executive function difficulty questionnaire developed by this study as a tool for screening was verified to be reliable and valid.
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