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This study investigated the relationship between reduced Autobiographical Memory Specificity (AMS) and depression, as well as the mediating role of rumination, in older adults. All participants (n=58) were administered a demographic questionnaire and completed the Korean Mini Mental State Examination (K-MMSE), Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Ruminative Response Scale (RRS). The results revealed that specific memory scores were negatively correlated with depression and rumination, with those of brooding (which is a type of rumination) and specific memory being particularly strongly correlated. Moreover, reduced AMS in response to positive cue words predicted depression in order adults and rumination partially mediated the relationship between reduced AMS and depression. Overall, this study showed that reduced AMS had a direct effects on the depression, there are also indirect effects that are mediated by rumination. These results are expected to be facilitate future prevention and treatment of geriatric depression intervention.
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