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Previous studies of drinking problems have shown that they are affected by drinking restraint and impulsiveness factors; however few studies regarding the effects of interactions between these factors have been conducted. Although it is also known that negative emotions predict drinking behavior, but few empirical investigations have been performed to reveal the effects of emotion regulation strategies. Therefore, the present study was performed to investigate how drinking restraint, impulsiveness, and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies influence on drinking problems and alcohol consumption to reveal major impact factors and their interaction effects. The present survey of university students (n=293) showed a three way interaction effect among negative emotion regulation strategies, drinking restraint, and impulsiveness that was statistically significant. Specifically, drinking problems and alcohol consumption were affected by maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and drinking restraint either individually or in combination, while impulsiveness aggravated drinking problems only when maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and drinking restraint were both high, or low. Finally, the meaning and limitations of the present research and implications for the future research were discussed.
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