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The purpose of the current study was to provide construct and convergent validation for Korean UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale. The sample used in this study consisted of 615 undergraduate students. To examine the five factor construct of the original measure of UPPS-P, a confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) was utilized. CFA supported a hierachical model comprising 2 higher order factors of urgency(resulting from negative and positive urgency) and lack of conscientiousness(resulting from lack of premeditation and lack of perseverance) as well as separate factor of sensation seeking. The internal consistency coefficients for five factors within Korean UPPS-P were at reasonable level. Convergent validity was examined through investigating correlations between UPPS-P and other scales(Barratt impulsive scale, Arnett’s sensation seeking scale, Eysenck impulsive scale, SPSRQ scale). These results indicated that the Korean version of the UPPS-P presents good psychometric properties and may be considered a promising instrument for both research and clinical practice.
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