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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to investigate the strengths of introversion and the role of its self-acceptance. In study 1, the strengths of introversion in a sample of 281 undergraduates and 50 friends of introvert participants were investigated through comparison of a self-report and third-party report on the interpersonal strengths of introvert subjects. The results showed that the levels of all the strengths except for CN(connect) were higher in the third-party report than in introverts' self-report. In study 2, the effects of self-acceptance of introversion on interpersonal strengths and psychological health were investigated. The levels of interpersonal strengths, self-esteem and satisfaction with life were significantly higher, whereas those of depression and social anxiety were significantly lower in introverts with a higher degree of self-acceptance than in those with a lower degree of self-acceptance. The results of the present study demonstrated that introverts have interpersonal strengths at least in close relationships. The results also showed the positive effects of self-acceptance of introversion on the interpersonal relationships and psychological health of introverts. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study, and the suggestions for the future study were discussed.
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