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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current study examined the factor structure, reliability and validity of the Korean Version of the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire(K-MASQ). K-MASQ, BDI-Ⅱ and BAI were administered to 553 adults in the general population. The results of explanatory factor analysis showed that a 3 factor model was adequately supported by omission of 13 items: “general distress”, “somatic anxiety” and “positive affect”. Based on the results, the goodness of fit-index of the confirmatory factor analysis is as follows: NNFI=.80, CFI=.80, RMSEA=.06. The reliability and validity of the K-MASQ was evaluated. Internal consistency was high, and the convergent and discriminant validity of the K-MASQ were acceptable. In conclusion, these results suggest that the K-MASQ is a reliable, valid tool for assessment of mood and anxiety symptoms. Finally, the implication and limitations of the current study and suggestions for the future research were discussed.
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