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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Recently, with the movement from consumer-driven to provider-oriented mental health services, psychiatric patients' satisfaction is now being regarded as important. Besides, when assessing satisfaction of psychiatric patients, people are more concerned with process and quality than the structure and quantity. The present study examined the effect of ward atmosphere on inpatients' satisfaction in a closed psychiatric ward. In addition, the effects of depression and positive/negative affect which could be mixed on the level of satisfaction were controlled. A total of 53 patients in a closed psychiatric ward completed self-report scales on inpatient satisfaction, ward atmosphere, depression, anxiety, positive/negative affect two times, immediately after admission and just before discharge. In hierarchical multiple regression, depression, and positive/negative affect, and ward atmosphere(support and acceptance of staffs) explained 54.2% of total variance at the time of admission. When leaving the hospital, depression, negative affect, and ward atmosphere(support and acceptance of staffs) explained 59.2% of total variance. In particular, the support and acceptance of staffs showed significant predictive power on inpatients' satisfaction each time. However, the affect predicting inpatients' satisfaction was different with assessment time. Based on these findings, we discussed the results from the standpoint that service providers or staffs should focus on factors affecting psychiatric patients' satisfaction. In addition, the effort of hospital staff could improve psychiatric patients' satisfaction.
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