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Relationship Between Stress and Depression in Elementary-School Children: Mediating Effects of Dysfunctional Attitudes and Self-Esteem, and Gender Difference


The current study examined the relationship between stress and depression in elementary-school children focusing on the mediating effects of dysfunctional attitudes and self-esteem, and gender difference. A total of 465 elementary-school students(236 male and 229 female) completed a stress questionnaire, dysfunctional attitudes scale for children, global self-esteem scale, and Kovacs' children's depression inventory. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlational analysis, path analysis, and multiple group analysis using Mplus. The results of correlational analysis showed correlation of stress, positive and negative self-esteem with depression in both genders. However, in correlation between stress and dysfunctional attitudes, those between positive, negative self-esteem and depression were higher in girls than in boys. T-test showed that girls were more depressed and had higher negative self-esteem than boys. The results from path analysis showed the mediating effects of dysfunctional attitudes and self-esteem model was more fitted than the moderating effect of dysfunctional attitudes and mediating effect of self-esteem model. The paths of positive and negative self-esteem to depression were the strongest. The path of stress -> dysfunctional attitudes -> negative self-esteem -> depression and that of stress -> positive self-esteem -> depression were significant in both genders, however, gender difference was also observed. That is, the path of stress -> dysfunctional attitudes -> positive self-esteem -> depression was significant only in girls. These results suggest that girls are more depressed and have stronger correlation between cognitive characteristics and depression than boys. Finally, the causes of these gender differences, need for differential intervention according to gender and future research direction were discussed.

아동 우울, 스트레스, 역기능적태도, 자존감, 성차, children's depression, stress, dysfunctional attitudes, self-esteem, gender difference



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