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The Influences of Self-Compassion and Life Stress on Suicidal Ideation among Undergraduate Students: Mediating Roles of Rumination and Depression


The current study sought to shed light on the specific mechanism by which self-compassion and life stress have influences on suicidal ideation. Based on previous studies and literatures, we hypothesized that brooding (one subtype of rumination) and depression would play mediating roles in the link between self-compassion and suicidal ideation, and life stress would moderate the effect of self-compassion on suicidal ideation. Thus, a mediated moderation model (brooding) and two alternative models, a mediated moderation model (reflection) and a dual mediation model (brooding) were proposed. A total of 340 university students completed the measures of self-compassion, life stress, rumination, depression, and suicidal ideation. Path analyses and bootstrapping were used to evaluate the mediated moderation models and the mediational effects. Results showed that the mediated moderation model (brooding) was better than the mediated moderation model (reflection), and only brooding mediated the relation between self-compassion and depression. However, the interaction of self-compassion and life stress was not significant. Path analysis showed that the dual mediation model (brooding) in which self-compassion and life stress separately affect suicidal ideation through mediation of brooding and depression fit the data very well. These results suggest that self-compassion may function as a protective factor for suicidal ideation, independently of the severity of life stress, and that brooding and depression may be mediators of its effect.

자살생각, 자기 자비, 생활 스트레스, 반추, 우울, 매개, suicidal ideation, self-compassion, life stress, rumination, depression, mediation



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