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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current study is conducted in otder to investigate the K-WAIS-Ⅳ profile, which was recently revised for patients with schizophrenia by comparing the K-WAIS-Ⅳ results of patients with schizophrenia and normal control subjects. K-WAIS-Ⅳ was administered to 44 schizophrenia patients and 220 age, gender, and education matched normal control subjects, and the group difference in general intelligence, index, and all K-WAIS-Ⅳ subtest scores was analyzed. Patients with schizophrenia showed lower performance on general intelligence and four index scores than normal control subjects. At the index score level, the performance difference between groups was greatest in processing speed index score, and was smallest in verbal comprehension index score.
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