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In the current study, a measurement that assesses academic initiation-procrastination(AIP) and completion- procrastination(ACP) was developed and the relationships among the two types of procrastination, impulsiveness, and perfectionism were explored. In study 1, a preliminary version of Academic Initiation- Completion Procrastination Scale(AICPS) was constructed. Data were collected from 151 undergraduate students, and exploratory factor analysis was performed. The result showed that, the scale was composed of two factors, and 18 items were selected for the final version of AICPS. In study 2, data collected from 296 undergraduate students were used for analysis of reliability and validity of AICPS. AICPS demonstrated an adequate level of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Two-factor structure was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis and convergent validity was verified through correlation tests among AICPS, Aitken's Procrastination Scale (API), Korean version of CES-D, and Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES). In study 3, the effects of impulsiveness and perfectionism on academic procrastination were investigated. As a result of regression analysis, impulsiveness explained AIP whereas perfectionism did not. On the other hand, the influence of perfectionism on ACP was greater than that of impulsiveness. The implication, limitation, and suggestions for future study are discussed.
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