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The aim of the current study was to investigate whether and how memory functions of Koreans are related to their age, education, and gender. To this end, we tested a large number of healthy Korean participants (N=736) aged 16-69 years using two memory scales. One was a verbal memory scale called Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the other was a visuospatial memory scale called Complex Figure Test. The obtained data were subject to multiple analyses of covariance and multiple paired-scores analyses. The results indicated three main findings. First, age accounted for the largest variance in memory scores. The effects of age on verbal memory scores were greater in the condition associated with longer delay and the condition associated with strategic retrieval. Second, education accounted for the second largest variance. The effects of education were greater in visuospatial than verbal memory domain and, within visuospatial domain, greater in the condition associated with strategic retrieval. Third, the effects of gender were restricted to verbal memory scores and indicated superiority of females over males. This gender effect was greater in the condition associated with strategic retrieval. In conclusion, memory functions of Koreans are related to their age, education and gender and these relationships differ, in part, as a function of which memory domain or process is measured. A main value of the current study lies in use of a large Korean sample that includes adolescents, adults, and older adults. Another main value lies in the construction of several paired scores and their systematic analyses.
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