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The Mediation Effects of Maladaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Moderating Effects of Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the link Between Traumatic Life Events and Self-Harm: focused on Gender Difference


The present study, using university students as participants, investigated how traumatic life events affect self-harm by going through the steps of negative cognitive emotion regulation, depression, anxiety, and anger. The study further examined how adaptive cognitive emotion regulation’s interactions with depression, anxiety, and anger, respectively, influence self-harm. Based on previous studies, we hypothesized that traumatic life events would affect self-harm through a dual mediation of negative cognitive emotion regulation and depression, anxiety, and anger. We also hypothesized that cognitive emotional regulation will moderate the effects of depression, anxiety, and anger on self-harm. This study additionally examined gender differences in the hypothetical path model using Multi-Group analysis. A total of 415 university students who signed consent form participated and completed the Life Event Checklist, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, the Hospitalized Anxiety and Depression Scale, the State-Trait Anger Expression Scale, and the Self-Harm Inventory. The proposed research model showed a very good fit for the data. The paths of how traumatic life events lead to self-harm by dual mediating effects of negative cognitive emotional regulation and depression, anxiety, and anger were significant. In addition, adaptive cognitive emotional regulation was found to affect self-harm by interacting with depression, anxiety, and anger. In other words, when the levels of depression, anxiety, and anger were over average, adaptive cognitive emotional regulation lowered the severity of self-harm. Finally, the hypothetical model presented by the current study showed variation in different gender groups. We further discussed the significance and the limitations of the present study, based on the findings.

Traumatic life event, cognitive emotion regulation, depression, anxiety, anger, self-harm, moderation effect, 외상경험, 인지정서조절, 우울, 불안, 분노, 자해, 조절효과, 다집단 분석



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