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The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of the Clock Drawing Test(CDT) in schizophrenia by comparing CDT performance between positive schizophrenics and negative schizophrenics. Each group included 20 subjects evaluated using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Some demographic and clinical variables including age, education, duration of illness, and medication state were controlled. Three types of CDT_(‘free-drawn’, ‘pre-drawn’ and ‘examiner’ conditions) were administered to all participants. The main result was that the difference of CDT scores between positive schizophrenics and negative schizophrenics was significant. Negative schizophrenics had significantly lower scores on the three CDT conditions than- positive schizophrenics. In the error type analysis of CDT, negative schizophrenics showed higher frequency in graphic difficulties, stimulus-bound response, conceptual deficit, and spatial and planning error than positive schizophrenics. Qualitative analysis of performance in negative schizophrenics showed specific errors relating to frontal processes: difficulty in placing numbers in the correct position, failure to indicate the minute targets, displacement of the minute hand from the minute number, and failure to draw a longer minute. The fact that the CDT is sensitive enough to detect the cognitive impairment of schizophrenia makes this test useful in assessing cognitive state in schizophrenia.
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