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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between self-reported distress tolerance and behavioral distress tolerance in addition to the relationship between behavioral distress tolerance and depression or anxiety. For this, two studies were completed. In the first study, 88 university students completed Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS), Center for Epidemiologic Scale-Depression (CES-D), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Distress Tolerance Test (DTT). There was no significant relationship between self-reported distress tolerance and DTT task persistence. In addition, there was no significant difference in DTT task persistence between high depression group and low depression group. Mild anxiety group persisted in DTT longer than normal group when controlling for negative affect. These results suggest that persistence in DTT does not reflect behavioral distress tolerance and the contextual variable such as personal importance of DTT can affect the persistence in the test. Therefore, DTT was modified to include the personal value of the test. In the second study, 102 university students completed DTS, CES-D, BAI and modified DTT. There was a tendency for self-reported distress tolerance to show correlation with behavioral distress tolerance when controlling for negative affect and value. And, low depression group persisted in DTT longer than high depression group. There was no significant difference in DTT persistence between high anxiety group and low anxiety group. Based on the overall findings, the meaning and clinical implications of the current study were discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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