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The purpose of this study was to examine stress response of people who have experienced a disaster and to determine stress coping methods for victims in order to minimize suffering from stress resulting from the Hebei Spirit oil spill accident, which occurred in the Taean coastal area on December 7th, 2007. A total of 186 residents of Taean aged older than 20s were chosen for this study. The subjects were interviewed by telephone three times; first in Feb 2008, second in Sep 2008, and third in Sep 2009. First, a path model was built up using older data collected, and was analyzed. Next, hierarchical regression was used to examine whether self-disclosure intervenes in the process in which suicide ideation after traumatic events lowers subjective well-being. It was found that the worse damage suffered by Taean residents, the more depression, anxiety, and hostility for the first test. It was also reported that the worse damage they suffered, the higher the score for suicide ideation for the second test. In addition the first time-point depression score decreased the second suicide ideation and the third subjective well-being. Likewise suicide ideation on the second test decreased the third subjective well-being. The level of damage had an effect on suicide ideation by depression as a mediator, and the level of damage also influenceds the subjective well-being by depression and suicide ideation as mediators. Next, three factors interaction effect of level of damage, suicide ideation, and self-disclosure were statistically significant. In the discussion, other limitations and suggestions for future study were presented.
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