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This study examined the effects of the acceptance and cognitive restructuring treatments for moderating social anxiety induced from an impromptu speech in a laboratory situation. The sample consisted of 60 undergraduates who scored high in social anxiety. Participants in each group were assigned to one of three conditions: acceptance(20), cognitive restructuring(21), or neutral(19) treatment conditions. Through videos a rationale and exercise corresponding to each condition were given to participants in the acceptance and cognitive restructuring conditions, and a documentary about nature was given to participants in the neutral condition. Following that course, all participants were asked to give an impromptu speech. The acceptance group showed a lower increase in heart rate in a speech from baseline than the cognitive restructuring and neutral groups, and there was no difference between the cognitive restructuring and neutral groups. There were no differences in subjective anxiety responses between the three groups. In addition, the acceptance group showed an increase in acceptance of social anxiety and a decrease in negative cognition, and the cognitive restructuring group showed a decrease in negative cognition only. These results suggest that acceptance is most effective for moderating social anxiety from a speech. Finally, the implication of this study and direction for future study were discussed.
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