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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness and the mechanisms of ‘Acceptance-Positive Psychotherapy (APPT)’ which was designed to integrate Acceptance-based psychotherapy with Positive psychotherapy. APPT involves acceptance of an emotional distress associated with depression and then fully experiencing a positive emotion as well. Based on literature review, the mechanisms of changes in APPT proposed both experiential avoidance and emotion rates as mediators of treatment changes. Thirty-six participants in the APPT group completed the measures of depression, happiness, positive affect, negative affect, experiential avoidance, and acceptance before, after, and four weeks-after the program. Forty-one participants in the non-treatment group also completed all of the same scale during the same period as the APPT group. The main results were: 1) APPT group showed significant alleviation of depressive symptoms as well as significant enhancement of happiness and acceptance, compared with the non-treatment group. These effects continued to a four-week follow-up. 2) The decrease of experiential avoidance and increase of positive emotion rates mediated sequentially between APPT and alleviation of depressive symptoms. Finally, implications of APPT, limitations of the study, and future research options were discussed.
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