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The purpose of this study was to investigate Measurement Equivalence of the Korean version of OABCL across 4 informant groups: Spouse, Child, Friend, and Care Worker. The samples were originally recruited for standardization of the Korean version of ASEBA Older Adult Forms. Among them, this study utilized the data of 464 59- to 88-year-olds whose other (OABCL) reports were valid. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the original OABCL can be applied to the Korean version. Measurement Equivalence tests indicated that OABCL measurement constructs have consistent meanings across informant groups. However, there were noticeable differences in the baseline of rating criteria depending on informant groups. The residual variances of the measured variables were relatively large on Anxiety/Depressed and Irritable/Disinhibited scales. Measurement errors in ratings of Care Worker were the largest among all except for the Worries scale. Implications of using OABCL as a clinical and research instrument by informant groups are discussed
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