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The purpose of the present study is to validate Stanton et al(2000b)’s Emotional Approach Coping (EAC) scale in Korean Military Academy cadets. For this purpose, exploratory factor analysis has been conducted, targeting 398 KMA cadets. Its result has disclosed that the EAC scale yields 2 distinct EAC factors: 4 items for emotional process and 4 items for emotional expression. A 2-factor solution accounts for 60.28% of the variance. The result of confirmatory factor analysis based on a sample of 627 KMA cadets has shown that a model of 2 factors fits well with the data: χ2(16)=35.81, CFI=.99, TLI=.99, RMSEA=.05, SRMR=.01. The result also shows a high internal consistency reliability, providing .90 of emotional process and .88 of emotional expression respectively. We have found that emotional process - in its correlations with WOC, positive and negative affect, depression, state anxiety, and satisfaction with life scale - has the characteristic of approach-oriented coping strategies which are usually considered to belong to problem-focused coping. From the result of hierarchical multiple regression analysis, we have known that EAC can take into account the inherent variance in state anxiety and satisfaction with life that negative affect and emotion-focused coping cannot explain. At the end of this study, we have addressed implications and limitations of this study, and have provided recommendations for future studies.
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